We run regular SEND every last Sunday of the month. In addition, we add in many SEND adapted sessions in our annual events, including Halloween, Fabulous Fireworks, Christmas and many more.

We understand sometimes the change in the environment, decorations or rotation of toys may be confusing for some of our regular families. So, we have thought carefully about these transitions and made ‘Widgit’ visuals to support children to understand:

❓ where they are going
❓ what they are going to see
❓ remind them of favourite toys/ activities
❓ prepare them to take shoes off
❓ prepare them of any changes (we have created EVENT visuals to share upcoming changes)

Please click photos below to download copies to use, or to receive a copy please email us at

If you can think of anything else that may support your child or family, please let us know and we can always create and add to our bank of resources.

The SEN/ D sessions are created for somewhere safe and familiar to play, and love to see regulars. We have tried to adapt all our events to include a calmer, sensory experience for children that might find this too overstimulating.